Consigli Territoriali degli Spedizionieri Doganali

Consigli Territoriali degli Spedizionieri Doganali

The Consigli Territoriali degli Spedizionieri Doganali (Territorial Councils of Customs Brokers) are a network of local councils that oversee the work of customs brokers across Italy. They are responsible for coordinating, supervising, and training customs brokers, ensuring that they meet the high standards required of the profession.
To become a customs broker in Italy, individuals must pass a rigorous state exam and obtain a license from the Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (Customs and Monopolies Agency). Customs brokers are considered “experts in customs, tax, commodity, currency matters, and all that relates to international trade.” They play a dual role, acting as partners to businesses by assisting them in planning import/export operations and providing assistance to customs administrations, while also working to prevent illicit trafficking.

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