Workshop 26 September

From 9.50 to 11.20


Collections beyond frontiers. Pitfalls and Opportunities in the International debt collection

Advices and strategies for an efficient International debt collection. Discussion and practice examples

Dott. Danilo Forte: Client Relations Manager Southern Europe

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Centralized Clearance and Customs Compliance

Centralised Clearance: Challenges and Opportunities
Customs centralization, a major objective towards which customs administration is oriented, will revolutionize the management of duties and customs practices through the introduction of fiscal representatives and virtual warehousing. While simplifying operations, it requires a deep corporate organizational renovation. In this scenario, freight forwarders are no longer just logistic professionals but become consultants offering strategic and operational support.

Customs Compliance: Customs Consultancy and Business Operations have never been so close
Customs regulatory trends are rapidly evolving with regulations such as the recent CBAM and EUDR regulations. Compliance requires planning and adapting business procedures to mitigate risks. Parisi’s solutions offer support for effective customs clearance procedures, reducing errors, and ensuring export success.

Join us at our workshop to explore these topics!

  • Matteo Grube – Trieste and Venice  Branch  Manager  at  Francesco Parisi Casa di Spedizioni S.p.A.
  • Arrigo Assalini –  Special Projects Manager at Francesco Parisi Casa di Spedizioni S.p.A.
  • Martina Lorenzon – Head of Customs Consulting and Training Department at Martino Parisi Srl International Forwarding
  • Giulia Marzaro – Customs Consultant and Trainer at Martino Parisi Srl International Forwarding

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2024 can be defined as the “0” d year of the transition to environmental sustainability in international trade.
Operators are struggling with: the presentation of the quarterly reports “CBAM”, the burden of due diligence imposed by the regulation c.d. “anti-forestry” (EUDR) and also with the theme of social sustainability, aimed at banning products obtained by forced labor.
As part of these new Union policies, operators are required to inform, train and take the necessary measures to ensure compliance with the above regulations, under penalty of major penalties.
If you want to learn more, follow our workshop!

Dottor Alessandro Laghezza, Owner & CEO Laghezza SpA
Avvocato Serena Pellegri, Resp. dept. Consulenza doganale Laghezza SpA

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Intesa Sanpaolo

Intesa Sanpaolo’s support for the development of Made in Italy abroad

In order to support companies in the development of Made in Italy around the world, Intesa Sanpaolo makes available, in addition to a deep-rooted and widespread international presence consolidated in about 40 countries, specialist figures in Italy and abroad who offer consultancy in internationalisation and trade finance. The identification of potential new markets and the use of sustainable business models are key elements for companies wishing to compete in foreign markets. Intesa Sanpaolo supports its customers with the expertise of its specialised structures, proposing dedicated solutions for sustainable export.

Fabio Zamparelli, Coordinatore Specialisti Internazionalizzazione – Direzione Sales & Marketing Imprese (BdT)
Maria Antonietta Picco – Head of Sales Global Transaction Banking per BdT Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Numero di ospiti attesi 50

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Heroes, Business Development Force

Innovation Lab: strategies and techniques to reach new global markets

In today’s business environment, characterized by rapid technological changes and global challenges, innovation is a necessity for survival and international success. Companies must choose between innovating or risking obsolescence. It is crucial to initiate structured processes of analysis, discovery, and strategic change planning. Digitalization, automation, artificial intelligence, and environmental concerns are transforming sectors. Companies that do not adapt will lose market share. Innovation becomes a driver of growth and a defense against obsolescence, enabling the anticipation of trends and the development of cutting-edge products. The Heroes Innovation Launchpad Canvas facilitates these processes by providing a holistic view of innovation.

Gianpaolo Masciari, Innovation Manager di Heroes


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From 10.00 to 13.00


The internationalization of Lombardy Region economic system: current situation and future prospects

GO International and the Economic Development Department of the Lombardy Region are organizing a roundtable discussion on the current and future situation of the local exports.
Main speakers are key national and regional players in internationalization.

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From 11.30 to 13.00


The compliance’s organization in import-export processes 

In a constantly evolving international regulatory context, the correct organization of compliance in import and export processes is an increasingly fundamental activity for companies. There are various obligations and responsibilities that economic operators must face to avoid sanctions: customs obligations, duties and rules of origin of goods, restrictions on goods and technologies, blacklists, compliance and sustainability requirements for the release for consumption of products products. The workshop will illustrate the organizational processes to be undertaken to make compliance in international trade efficient in light of the new regulations, also through the use of digital solutions.

Zeno Poggi, Founding Partner di ZPC Srl – Società Benefit

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Compliance. Fundamental for international development and measuring risks in export growth

Compliance is essential for international expansion, it can represent a real lever for growth and ignoring it can lead to serious consequences. Reputational audits of foreign partners, distributors, agents and employees improve network management and security. Third-party checks should always include electronic background checks, open source reviews, and in-depth, personal first-hand investigations conducted by local experts.
Compliance reduces risks and enables strategic decisions based on objective information, enhancing international development.

Tristan COTTE – Salveo Managing Director Business Development
Giulio GIAI – Ramark International Business Developer

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EXIM Manager of the Year Award 

Imit created the EXIM Manager of the Year Award, for excellence in import and export strategies.


We celebrate the Internationalization Manager of the Year by recognizing:
⭐audacity ⭐vision ⭐determination of those who lead companies to global success 🏆

BOOK YOUR PLACE to discover the project and how to apply!
We are waiting for you!
We celebrate the Internationalization Managers of the Year by recognizing:
⭐audacity ⭐vision ⭐determination of those who lead companies to global success 🏆

BOOK YOUR PLACE to discover the project and how to apply!
We are waiting for you!

Andrea Bonardi – Presidente Imit
David Doninotti – Segretario Generale Imit
Sandro Marsiglia – Consigliere Imit

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Future Brands Discovery

Innovative practices, platforms, and tools to gain visibility and relevance, build relationships, and conduct business in the digital ecosystem in Italy and abroad. How applications based on artificial intelligence, knowledge of markets, and consumer behaviors can help us grow and enhance our digital presence and our business performance in Italy and international markets. Concrete references and useful case histories for entrepreneurs, marketers, brand managers, and export specialists, as well as for students, policymakers, and enthusiasts of the subject.

Silvio Petrassi – CEO and Founder, Marketways
Antonio Brusca – COO and Partner, Marketways

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Posting Workers? Said & Done!

Italian companies sometimes tend to post workers abroad without full and complete knowledge of the regulatory frame or the amount of risk involved with non-compliance. Using a truly interactive method, this workshop will challenge the participants to an obstacle course, analyzing real-world situations and critical aspects. From salary and holiday regulations to cultural differences, from legal consequences to reputational risk, our workshop will provide an overview of multiple variables, with the goal of improving preparations, preventing possible issues, and minimizing their impact once they have arisen.

Anna Cortesi – Specialista in Trasferte Internazionali e Commercio Estero

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From 13.10 to 14.40

Modo Customs


While it is possible to delegate responsibility but responsibility cannot be delegated, the Companies must adopt procedures that allow customs activities to be carried out with due diligence and responsibility.
Activities that, if carried out directly in the company, bring multiple benefits:
– administrative and document management
– economic, aimed at reducing management/logistics costs
– optimization of internal process,
– Legal protection for compliance with EU laws and regulations, origin, dual-use, deforestation, carbon, smuggling and much more. 

Deepen your knowledge with the support of professional customs analysts by signing up for our workshop.

Moreno Dova Doganalista 

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Managing the origin of goods is increasingly strategic for companies operating internationally. In the workshop, in collaboration with Studio Del Nevo, we will explore the various aspects of Preferential Origin and the relevant legislation. We will expose the news on free trade agreements, with a focus on the New Zealand and PEM parts. Furthermore, we will discover which software supports companies in managing information on goods, focusing on the digitalization of processes. Finally, we will expose a use case of adoption of the Metisoft Trade Compliance suite by Colnago Ernesto & C.: company needs, solutions adopted and benefits obtained.

Simone Del Nevo, Doganalista e titolare dell’omonimo studio
Pietro Tredici, Head of Finance Colnago Ernesto & C. Srl
Franco Colavita, Business Development e Project Manager Compliance Metisoft Spa

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The changes that the customs sector has recently had to face are important and deep.

The course of simplification of customs procedures, characterized by the great push towards digitalization, is contrasted by a greater complexity of regulations, inevitable in today’s world, in which dramatic and sudden events force economic operators to consider “the custom problem” (understood as the set of rules so that the goods can be marketed both in the case of purchase and in the case of sale to economic operators in countries at risk), both in terms of verifying the rules and correctly assessing the risks.

The Customs Assistance Centers reaffirm their role as a link between the Public Administration, to which they guarantee procedural correctness, and the Companies in support of the efficiency of their logistics flows.

Relatori per ASSOCAD:
Dott. Bruno Pisano – Presidente ASSOCAD – Associazione Nazionale Centri di Assistenza Doganale
Dott.Stefano Rigato – Vice Presidente ASSOCAD – Associazione Nazionale Centri di Assistenza Doganale



Dott. Mauro Lopizzo, Doganalista Membro del Consiglio Nazionale Spedizionieri Doganali
Sig. Stefano Sabato, Doganalista
Avv. Lorenzo Ugolini

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The Protection of Industrial Property as a Strategic Asset for Business Internationalization 

The protection of intellectual property is essential for companies preparing to enter foreign markets. During our workshop, we will delve into the importance of the research and investigation phase to verify the absence of similar or identical rights that could hinder access to target markets. Together, we will explore how to protect your rights before initiating internationalization, the key steps to do so, and why industrial property rights represent a crucial economic asset. The workshop will conclude with a focus on Middle Eastern countries, offering specific strategies for operating in this region.

Dorotea Rigamonti – Consulente Italiano ed Europeo Brevetti e Design
Giovanna Del Bene – Responsabile Dipartimento Marchi, Consulente Italiano ed Europeo Marchi e Design

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From 14.00 to 15.30

ARcom Formazione

Become AEO Customs Issues Manager: an exceptional team of instructors in Arcom’s Master program

For businesses and professionals operating in international contexts, excellent training is essential to acquire highly specialized skills crucial for maintaining high competitiveness standards. The Master in International Trade and Customs by ARcom Formazione, in collaboration with Assocad, offers participants a unique opportunity to learn and engage with leading professionals in the field on various topics. This Master’s program, recognized for obtaining the AEO Customs Affairs Responsible qualification, is directed by Prof. Sara Armella and was the first 200-hour course authorized by the Customs Agency.

Avv. Sara Armella, Direttore Scientifico ARcom Formazione e membro della Commissione ministeriale di esperti per la riforma Doganale
Avv. Massimo Monosi, Studio Armella&Associati
Dott.ssa Marina Zanga, PhD, Formatrice ed esperta in adempimenti doganali nel commercio internazionale

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From 14.50 to 16.20


Hong Kong, gateway for business expansion in Asia 

Hong Kong retains its role as a strategic hub for developing business relationships with the Chinese and Asian markets.


At this time, new opportunities in leading sectors and in the Greater Bay Area make Hong Kong even more attractive. Business trends and opportunities for Italian companies in Hong Kong will be explored, in key sectors such as fashion, technology, innovation, design, healthcare and food & beverage.

Gianluca Mirante
Director Italy, Cyprus, Greece and Malta, Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)


Stefano De Paoli
Invest Hong Kong, Rappresentante in Italia

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Customs Support


In recent years, the customs sector has been undergoing profound changes, with established operating models and procedures often called into question.
While digitization simplifies procedures, the increasing regulatory complexity requires economic operators to carefully assess risks and ensure proper customs planning.
A thorough knowledge of regulations and an accurate analysis of the critical points are essential to optimize customs procedures and to improve economic efficiency.
Customs Support Italy, leader in the sector in Italy, thanks to its management organization and skills, will present the main new legislations and services to support operators.

Bruno Pisano – Managing Director Italia
Luca Mele – Operations Director
Simone Creviari – Consultant Manager
Gianluca Schiavina – IT Director
Francesca Pira – Branch Manager Milano Office

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Freight Forwarders serving international trade: transport, consultancy, compliance 

In a politically unstable era, global trade is strongly influenced by the geopolitical context, which is influencing trade routes, international alliances and economic traffic. International shipping companies, with their experience, competence and network of relationships are able, through their numerous services, to guide manufacturing companies in their internationalization processes, planning and organizing commercial traffic all over the world. 

Domenico De Crescenzo, Vicepresidente Fedespedi
Luca Spallarossa, Consigliere Fedespedi
Oliver Simon, Trade Compliance Manager DB Sckenker Italiana


Moderatrice: Raffaella Seveso, AICE

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GSA Advice

Business opportunities in Brazil for Italian companies

Brazil is one of the most dynamic emerging economies in the world, offering numerous business opportunities for Italian companies wishing to expand their international horizons. This workshop aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the potential of the Brazilian market, analyzing key growth sectors, local regulations and the best entry strategies.

Ambasciatore Hadil Da Rocha-Vianna, Console generale del Brasile a Milano
Giacomo Guarnera, Managing Partner GSA Advice&Accounting
Alessandro Gargano, Responsabile sviluppo strategico GSA Italia

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Italian Companies in the World: Production in Bulgaria and Retail in the USA

In an increasingly globalized world, international expansion is one of the main drivers of growth for companies looking to explore new business opportunities. This workshop provides an overview of how Diacron supports businesses in foreign markets, specifically focusing on Bulgaria and the United States.

We will examine the economic and regulatory landscape of Bulgaria, offering a general overview of the incentives available for businesses and how to leverage them for effective and productive expansion.

We will then turn to the United States, focusing on strategies for opening branches and expanding in the retail sector, through relevant case studies.

Petya Zheleva, Partner Diacron Bulgaria
Pietro Farina, Consultant Diacron USA

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From 15.40 to 17.10


Due Diligence and Compliance: Guiding Exporters Through New International Trade Scenarios

The international scenario increasingly requires exporting companies to adopt more rigorous investigative measures to ensure compliance with regulatory expectations. The shift in approach to compliance presents a complex challenge, but also an opportunity for companies to improve their internal processes. BDO guides companies through a systematic and multidisciplinary approach to Due Diligence, risk identification, and prevention, ensuring greater fluidity, security, and compliance in international trade. During the workshop, examples of best practices for Due Diligence and Compliance will be analyzed, helping companies (with a particular focus on those selling outside of Italy) to comply with regulations and manage risks effectively

Guido Calderaro – Head of Customs & Excise duties, BDO
Paola Levato – Supervisor – Customs & Excise duties, BDO
Fabio Magnoni – Partner – Sustainable Innovation, BDO
Roberto Camilli – Partner – Law, BDO
Pierluigi Gorani – Senior Manager – Tax, BDO

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From 16.30 to 18.00

Proa Latam

Latin America, a Continent in Movement 

We will explore the crucial dynamics that are redefining the political and economic landscape of Latin America. We will discuss emerging opportunities in the region. We will provide an overview of key trends and future prospects, laying the groundwork for a deeper understanding of the region. Regulatory challenges in exporting will be explored with special focus on Regulatory Compliance Strategy. Also an analysis of possible international collaborations among the countries of the New Global South, with special insights on Africa, which will be the honorary country of the next edition of the event.

Antonino Di Marco – Co-Founder Proa Latam
Marta Bonati – Country Manager Italy presso Ebury
Davide Ioppolo – Head of Sales Latam Airlines
Saira De Ferrari – Ceo of Cosm&Tic Assist
Susan Mukanganyama – Ceo African International Trade Logistics
Max Coello Aguilar – Direttore Pro Ecuador

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Horizon Network


Horizon Consulting, a network boasting 26 partners and over 200 professionals across 3 continents, is pleased to present a focus on the internationalization of businesses in Hungary and Slovakia. Accompanied by distinguished speakers, we will analyze the Hungarian economic landscape, focusing on various aspects including commercial, corporate, and fiscal matters, internationalization practices, and available incentives. Simultaneously, we will examine the Slovakian economy, covering the legal framework for commercial companies, taxation, international entrepreneurship, and the incentives offered. This event is an opportunity to understand the competitive advantages and growth opportunities in these countries.

Avv. Paolo A.D. Franco – Avvocato presso l’Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano, abilitato alla Corte di Cassazione a Roma, Avvocato comunitario presso l’Ordine degli Avvocati di Budapest, Avvocato internazionale specializzato in diritto comunitario, commercio internazionale, diritto societario.
Avv. Adrián Graban, socio fondatore e managing partner dello studio legale Graban, Troma / Partners s.r.o.
Dott. Bernardino Pusceddu, Presidente della Camera di Commercio italiana per l’Ungheria

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Horizons Shanghai Corporate Advisory

Beyond borders: tips and legal structures for investing in China and other Asian markets

The workshop aims to provide the tools and knowledge to successfully navigate Asia’s complex legal landscape, maximizing investment opportunities and mitigating risks.
• Company incorporation in China: Procedures, requirements and strategic options.
• Contractual arrangements: Agency, distribution and other forms of collaboration.
• Free Trade Zones: operational considerations.
• Investment structures: Choice of optimal structure based on objectives and risk management.
• New Chinese Companies Law: Main changes and impact on foreign investments.
• Comparison with other Asian markets: Thailand, Philippines and opportunities for regional expansion.
• Relations between Apac and Latin America: Emerging trends and potential synergies.

Lucia Myriam NETTI – Horizons Corporate Advisory, Regional Partner EMEA
Roberto GILARDINO – Horizons Corporate Advisory, Regional Partner APAC & CIS REGIONS

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From 17.20 to 18.30

Italian Fair Service | Beauty Conference

General States of Italian Cosmetic Export

From 17:20 to 17:40 the Beauty Istanbul fair will be presented, which will be held in Istanbul from 2 to 4 October 2024.

From 17:40 the round table on the beauty sector will be held, during which some international experts in the cosmetics sector will analyze the current situation of the Italian beauty industry, focusing on the diversification of world markets, and examining future forecasts for exports.

Claudia Stagno – Direttrice Editoriale Mte Edizioni Srl-Export Magazine

Nicola Davanzo – Head of Sales Italia

Rita Bonucchi –  CEO Bonucchi e Associati Srl

Giorgio Milani – Export Manager Agf88 Group-Pettenon Spa

Gianni Manzetti – CEO Farmen Spa-Vitalitys

Rosalba Rotella – Export Manager Induplast Spa

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